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The Comprehensive Plan

A Comprehensive Plan is a long-range guide for development and community investment. According to Indiana law, it must include at minimum:

  • A statement of objectives for future development;

  • A statement of policy for land use development; and

  • A statement of policy for the development of public ways, public lands, and public utilities.

Tipton County's last Comprehensive Plan was adopted in July 2013. This plan is used by elected and appointed leaders, city staff, community organizations, and property owners when making decisions about land use, transportation, utilities, and more.'s last Comprehensive Plan was adopted in July 2013. This plan is used by elected and appointed leaders, City staff, community organizations, and property owners when making decisions about land use, transportation, utilities, and more.

Let’s Hear from You!

During the Comprehensive Planning process, we will aim to establish consensus on Countywide priorities while also addressing specific needs. There will be various public engagement opportunities such as an online survey, public workshops, open houses, and public presentations. Please follow the link below to stay informed about the ongoing public engagement activities.

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